Human Values and Professional Ethics



Hours/Week: 02                                                                                                                        Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours: 40                                                                                                                          Exam Marks: 100



  1. To help the students appreciate the essential complementarily between ‘VALUES’ and ‘SKILLS’ to ensure sustained happiness and prosperity, which are the core aspirations of all human beings
  2. To facilitate the development of a Holistic perspective among students towards life and profession as well as towards happiness and prosperity based on a correct understanding of the Human reality and the rest of Existence.

I Degree

  1. My College: Mission, Vision, Objectives and Core values of the college
  2. Human Values: Meaning of Values, its importance. Types of Values Individualistic, Family, Professional, National, Moral, Spiritual
  3. Personality: Meaning and Definition of Personality, Eysenck Classification: Extrovert, Introvert, Ambient, Emotionally Well balanced, And Neurotic. Type A and Type B Personality
  4. Knowing Oneself: Self Awareness: Meaning, Johari Window, Rogers Concept of Self:  Real Self and Ideal Self, Concept of Self-actualization by Maslow, Rotter’s Concept of Locus of Control: Internal Locus of Control and External Locus  of Control
  5. Etiquettes: Importance of etiquettes, Etiquettes to observe at meal time, social gatherings phone calls, Interviews, Meetings, funerals and other social situations, Dressing etiquettes
  6. Mass Media: Meaning of Mass Media , Role of Mass Media in imbibing Values to youth, Pros and Cons of Internet, print media, social media, Broadcast media, Good Reading habits, Letters to the Editor
  7. Prolife issues: Euthanasia, Cloning, Stem cell Research, ethics sex determination and abortion,   Alternate Reproductive choices, Eye Donation: Uses and Benefits,  Body Donation: Procedure and Benefits
  8. Humn Sexuality: Defining Sexuality, Imparting right Sexual Values, Whose Responsibility, Responsible ethics book the challenge to develop your resources






  1. Women Issues: Gender Issues, Legislation related to Women, women and Health, Women and Multi-tasking
  2. Nationalism: Indian Culture, Richness of Indian Culture
  3. Principles for Harmony: Truthfulness – Customs and Traditions, Human Dignity – Human Rights – Fundamental Duties, Aspirations and Harmony (I, We & Nature) Gender Bias, Emotional Intelligence – Mayer Model – Emotional Competencies – Conscientiousness
  4. Family and Friends: Importance of Parent child relationships, Styles of Parenting, Attachment styles, Relationships beyond Family: Friends, Psychological benefits of having Friends
  5. Prosocial Behavior: Helping behavior, why do people help: Empathy Altruism, negative state relief, empathetic joy,  Competitive  , Resilience Meaning, 10 ways to build resilience
  6. Environmental Concerns: Environmental Pollution: Types and Effects, Development v/s Destruction., Environmental Responsibility
  7. Health and Hygiene: Physical Health: Acute Disorders, Chronic Disorders, Lifestyle diseases. Mental Health: Stress, Anxiety,phobia. Yoga, meditation, exercise for enhancing health. Proper food and nutrition for health
  8. Global Issues:Globalization and MNCs –Cross Culture Issues – Business Ethics – Media Ethics – Environmental Ethics – Endangering Lives – Bio Ethics – Computer Ethics – War Ethics – Research Ethics -Intellectual Property Rights.