Soft Skill Management


Hours/Week: 02                                                                                Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours: 40                                                                                 Exam Marks: 400


OBJECTIVES: to create awareness about the importance of soft skills and enrich the students with soft skills.


Paper I; Introduction to soft skills and Communication skills                            10 Hours

  • Introduction to soft skills: Meaning, definition, need and importance of soft skills.
  • Communication skills: meaning, importance, process, barriers, Types of communication- formal and informal, effective communication skills.
  • Practical Activities.

Paper II: Leadership skills and creativity:                                                            10  Hours

  • Leadership skills: meaning, types, styles, qualities of leadership,
  • Creativity: Meaning Importance, process, components/abilities of creativity, characteristics of creative person, brainstorming,
  • Practical Activities

 Paper III:  Time management & Team building:                                              10 Hours

  • Time Management: Meaning, principles of time management, developing a personal sense of time, Identifying goals, Daily planning, making the best use of best time, making use of committed time.
  • Team Building: Meaning types of teams, Team building process, Factors influencing the effective team.
  • Practical Activities

Paper IV: Emotional Intelligence, stress Management and Social skills:         10 Hours

  • EI: Meaning of emotions, Meaning of EQ & IQ, regulations of emotions, dealing with anger and fear.
  • Stress management: meaning, symptoms, causes, consequences, coping with stress.
  • Social skills: Meaning, types, respecting age, authority, hierarchy, Dealing with lapses, Dealing with sickness, Expressing disapproval.
  • Practical Activities


  1. Personality Development- Dr. T. Bharathi, Neekamal Publications, Pvt Ltd.,-2005
  2. Time Management and Personal Development- John Adair Melanie Allen, 2003.
  3. Skills for excellence- Luis. S. R Vas, Pustak Mahal, Delhi.
  4. Time Management, Marc Mancini, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2005.
  5. Working with Emotional Intelligence- Daniel Goleman, Banthan Books, Newyork. .
  6. Understanding Emotional IQ The Mantra for Human Relations, – Dr. Jyotsna Codaty, Pustak Mahal, Delhi.2002.
  7. Organisational Behaviour- L. M Prasad.
  8. Organisational Behaviour- S. S Khanka