Research Publications 2014

Department of Biotechnology
  1. Maithri SR, Rama Bhat P, Prajna PS, Jayadev K, Venkatakrishna R (2014) Degradation of malachite green and congo red using Aloe barabadensis Mill. Extract. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 3(4):330-340. 

  2. Prateeksha C, Manisha S, Jenitta EPE, Rama Bhat P, Jayadev K, Venkatakrishna R (2014) Decolorization of dye congo red by Aspergillus niger silvernanoparticles. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 4(3):36-39. 

  3. Jenitta EP, Ragunathan R (2014) Production, purification, characterization, and copper induction of laccase isoenzyme in the lignolytic fungus Pleurotus florida. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research. 4(2): 10-16. 

  4. Lakshmi N, Jenitta EP, Rama Bhat P, Jayadev K (2014) Studies on phytochemical, antibacterial properties and synthesis of silver nano particles from the floral extract of Mesua ferrea L. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry. 3(4): 1730-1739. 


Department of Chemistry
  1. Ratika Sharma, Samshuddin S, Narayana B, Vivek VG, Rajni Kant (2014) Structural analysis of (2E)-3-[4-(1H-benzimidazol-2-ylmethoxy)phenyl]-1-(4-chlorophenyl)prop-2-en-1-one. European Chemical Bulletin. 3(3): 214-216. 


Department of Commerce
  1. Udupa Vasvi, Nayak Radhakrishna, Seema (2014) E-Commerce Revolution: A Field Survey on a Success of E-Commerce Applications. Journal of Commerce and Management Thought. 5(4): 604-617. doi: 10.5958/0976-478X.2014.00007.X. 


Department of Food Science and Nutrition
  1. Archana Prabhat, Begum K (2014) Nutrient Intake and Anthropometric Profile of Healthy Adult Men and Women Couples from Selected Households in West Sea Coast Belt of South Karnataka-A Comparative Study. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences. 4(3):1–5. doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000279. 

  2. Archana Prabhat, Begum K (2014) Pattern of Food Procurement among Families with Varying Size and Ses. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge. 2(6): 66-70. 

  3. Archana Prabhat, Begum K (2014) Gender Differences in Quality of Life and Well Being Among Adults from the Regions of Dakshina Kannnada District. International Journal of Integrative sciences, Innovation and Technology. 3(3): 21-26. 


Department of Physics
  1. Shrisha BV, Shshidhar Bhat, Naik KG (2014) Vapour phase transport growth and characterization of ZnO nanowires. AIP Confrence Proceedings. 1591: 484-486. doi: 10.1063/1.4872647. 