Research Publications 2016

Department of Biochemistry
  1. Usha B, Pushpalatha KC (2016) In vitro antioxidant activity and phytochemical screening of leaf extracts of Grewia Heterotricha Mast. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research. 8(4): 68. doi: 10.22159/ijcpr.2016v8i4.15282. [Scopus Indexed]  


Department of Biotechnology
  1. Reddy BS, Rama Bhat P (2016) Colonization Factor Antigen I, an Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Colonization Factor, Exhibits Therapeutic Significance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. 86(4): 995–1000. doi: 10.1007/s40011-015-0549-2. [Scopus Indexed]  

  2. Rama Bhat, Savitri V, Laxmi P, Jenitta E (2016) A Study on the Phytochemical Analysis, Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity from Seed Extract of Areca catechu L. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review. 9(1):1–9. doi:10.9734/IJBCRR/2016/21864. 

  3. Bindu C, Rama Bhat P, Krishna Prasad G, Girish BC (2016) Relative potency of antidiabetic effect of Costus Speciosus (Koen. Ex Retz.) smith plant extract in mouse fibroblast cell line. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH. 4(3):99–107. doi:10.29121/granthaalayah.v4.i3.2016.2790. 

  4. Sharanya DB, Deepa Shetty, Geetha Lakshmi MS, Jenitta EP, Rama Bhat P (2016) Synthesis of Chitosan Silver nanoparticles from Chitin of Crustacean shells and Its Applications. International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3(5):1-5. 


Department of Chemistry
  1. Adam F, Ameram N, Samshuddin S, Brighten Antony M, Ali Khan M (2016) 1-[5-(2-Chloro­phen­yl)-3-(4-methyl­phen­yl)-4,5-di­hydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]ethan-1-one. IUCrData. 1(1):x152460. doi:10.1107/S2414314615024608. 

  2. Adam F, Ameram N, Dhiraj Kamath S, Pallavi, Samshuddin S (2016) 4-Benz­yloxy-1,1′-biphen­yl. IUCrData. 1(3): x160398. doi:10.1107/S2414314616003989. 

  3. Adam F, Ameram N, Samshuddin S, Akhilesh Bairy K, Sunil SM (2016) 1-[(7E)-7-(2-Chloro­benzyl­idene)-3-(2-chloro­phen­yl)-3,3a,4,5,6,7-hexa­hydro-2H-indazol-2-yl]ethanone. IUCrData. 1(3): x160474. doi:10.1107/S2414314616004740. 

  4. Naveen S, Samshuddin S, Manuel Rodrigues, Arunkumar D, Lokanath NK, Warad I (2016) (E)-N′-[4-(Di­methyl­amino)­benzyl­idene]propiono­hydrazide monohydrate. IUCrData. 1(10): x161716. doi:10.1107/S2414314616017168. 

  5. Samshuddin S, Naveen S, Ananya LN, Vishwanatha P, Lokanath NK, Abdoh M (2016) 2,5-Bis(4-chloro­benzyl­idene)cyclo­penta­none. IUCrData. 1(11): x161865. doi: 10.1107/S2414314616018654. 

  6. Samshuddin S, Naveen S, Arunkumar D, Mahesha A, Lokanath NK, Abdoh M (2016) N′-[(E)-4-Meth­oxy­benzyl­idene]-2-(4-methyl­phen­oxy)acetohydrazide. IUCrData. 1(11): x161877. doi: 10.1107/S2414314616018770. 


Department of Commerce
  1. Rekha Shetty, Radhakrishna Nayak (2016) Indian Higher Education and Present Prospects: A Study on Higher Education Referred with Present Scenario. International Journal in Management and Social Science. 4(2): 156-169. doi: 18.A003.ijmr.2023.J15I01.200001.88768126. 

  2. Zeeval Khan I, Prashanth Kumar A, Patkar RP, Shayana A (2016) A Study on Security Analysis of Selected 15 Stocks of National Stock Exchange. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. 5(5):1–7. 


Department of Computer Science
  1. Dileep MR, Danti A (2016) Multiple hierarchical decision on neural network to predict human age and gender. In: 2016 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technology and Science (ICETETS). Pudukkottai, India: IEEE. p. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/ICETETS.2016.7603026. [Scopus Indexed]  